Monkees Fling Poo
The Monkees "All Of Your Toys"
[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]
Watching VH1 Classic the other night as I am prone to do with most of my television viewing time, I came across Daydream Believer: The Monkees Story. Now I watched my share of reruns of the Monkees tv show when I was young, but I had no no idea what they were really like. According to this movie, the lads madcap, carefree, vaudevillian attitude was based on reality. They were like that ALL THE TIME.
Of course, this movie also suggested that at the end of their run they decided it wasn't bad being a Monkee after all, and proceeded to sing and dance their namesake song on Venice Beach with a bunch of bikinied lasses. I mean, was there an actual fact checker working on this film?
Other highlights of this ridiculous film were a really bad Jimi Hendrix impersonator (he opened for the Monkees on his first tour of America, bad planning for sure), a bad Jack Nicholson impersonator (he helped them make their feature film Head, more bad planning), bad Beatles impersonators (apparently they threw the Monkees a party while they were visiting London, as if the fab four would ever have anything to do with these clowns) and the inclusion of "All Of Your Toys", one of the Monkees great "lost singles". Mickey Dolenz really shines vocally on this track. Whether or not the rest of the Monkees performed on the record is a point of dispute, but according to the Daydream Believers, they actually did play their own instruments on the track, while being chased by the Mummy and the Wolf Man. Madcap!