
Monday, June 26, 2006

Hummels They Ain't


Figurines "The Wonder"

[right click to download, ctrl click if yr a mac!]

Sure I've been going on and on about Swedish artists lately, but what about Denmark you ask? Well indie popsmiths Figurines hail from the land of the Great Dane, so I can't me blamed for focusing all my attention on the Stockholm scene. Although let's face it, there's some pretty good music coming out of there. Figurines are out to change that.

Figurines hail from the land of the ice and snow where the midnight sun and the hot springs blow, the small town of Vestbjerg in Northern Jylland, a palce far away from any major Danish cities. They ended up listening to a lot more American indie rock than that of their native country, and it shows on their LP 'Shake A Mountain'. With a nod to artists like Modest Mouse, the Shins and Built To Spill, Figurines prove there's more to Denmark than viking films, although they have some very good ones there. "The Wonder" has hooks sharp enough to slay a mythical Yeti, and enough left over to go ice fishing on the Baltic Sea. I apologize for any generalizations I make about Europeans. I'm just a dumb American and i've never been anywhere else.


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