
Sunday, December 31, 2006

I'm Gonna Throw Up

new year

Happy New Year's everyone!

U2 "New Year's Day"

Death Cab For Cutie "The New Year"

Richard Pryor "New Year's Eve"

The Walkmen "New Year's Eve"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Enjoying yr hang over? Or perhaps you're stuck in an airport. Stick to that resolution so far? I didn't think so. Whatever your situation is presently, I hope you had a good holiday and I offer you some New Year's listening. I'll be back in a few days. I have to buy enough records to keep Pop Zeus! going for another year.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Agents Of Evil; They Are Listening, They Are Longing...

It's Christmas week here at Pop Zeus!


Stiff Little Fingers "White Christmas"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Hey did you know they have Christmas in the United Kingdom? Just like they have here! Except they call Santa Claus "Father Christmas" or "Bloody Fat Present Slinging Bastard" or something like that. I don't know, I've never been there. But Stiff Little Fingers know. Call them.

Still in the Christmas spirit? Go see the folks over at the Record Robot. They'll get you through it.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Swearing At Santa

It's Christmas week here at Pop Zeus!


Swearing At Motorists "Inadvertent Christmas Song"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Leave it to Swearing At Motorists to pen a Christmas ode that leaves you depressed and wistful. Wait, every song they write does that. This one just happens to mention Christmas. I guess it really is an "Inadvertent Christmas Song".

I'm not very good at this whole Christmas song thing as you can see. Check out The Record Robot for some real holiday cheer.

Friday, December 22, 2006

And Myrrh. Plenty Of Myrrh.

It's Christmas week here at Pop Zeus!

xmas aussie

AC/DC "Mistress For Christmas"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

AC/DC has never been very subtle with their lyrics. They've penned songs like "Let Me Put My Love Into You" and "Sink The Pink" without batting an eye when 'This Is Spinal Tap' came out. Now the boys from down under are making their Christmas list, and their request is very simple. They want a "Mistress For Christmas". That's right. They are asking Santa to bring them extra marital sex this holiday. And you know what? I say we let them have it. They've been good this year. Hell, they're fucking AC/DC! You give them whatever they ask for! You hear me Santa? ANYTHING! THEY ROCK!

Want more music for the holidays? Go see the Record Robot. He'll hook you up.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Santa's Magic Lap

It's Christmas week here at Pop Zeus!


The Who "Christmas"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Would it suck to be deaf, dumb and blind on Christmas? This is the musical question the Who pose during this pivotal moment of the 'Tommy' record. I remember the year I got a Nintendo for Christmas and I exclaimed "I'm the happiest boy in the world!", which has long become a family staple statement. Basically to make fun of me. Anyway the point is that if I were deaf, dumb and blind a Nintendo would be a pretty shitty present. Now a PINBALL MACHINE on the other hand.....

Check out the Record Robot for serious holiday hits!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Get Meneguared This Holiday

It's Christmas week here at Pop Zeus!


Meneguar "Christmas Isn't Christmas"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Christmas isn't Christmas without Christmas songs. Meneguar has a Christmas song for you. It doesn't contain any sleigh bells however. I know you're disappointed. It DOES contain cowbell though! Okay it doesn't. I'm a liar. I lied on Christmas.

Look, just enjoy the movie. It has Tom Berenger.

For real holiday cheer, make an appointment with the Record Robot.

Don't Fuck With My Christmas

It's Christmas week here at Pop Zeus!


MC Chris "Fuckin' Up My Christmas'

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

I'm not really a stickler for christmas songs, but I've got just enough to get you through this week. For some really good x-mas tunes, go check out the Record Robot.

MC Chris is an underrated rapper. Yes, his records are kind of like comedy records, but he's definitely got a flow. Check his game on "Fuckin' Up My Christmas" from 'Life's A Bitch And I'm Her Pimp'. Ah, Christmas time, the perfect time for a song about some bitch fucking with yr shit.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Backstage At The CMA's A Dick In The Box

No song today, but a music video. It's funny how last week I happened to catch Saturday Night Live. I'm usually not home when it's on and if I am I opt not to watch it because of it's painful unfuniness. Every now and again I check it out to see if they've somehow turned it around. The episode I saw with Annette Bening (?!?) as the host was so mind bogglingly unfunny in its first ten minutes that I vowed tight then and there that I'm not giving this show any more chances. I had declared it dead to me. Then this morning somebody showed me this from saturday's show. Well shut my mouth, it was hilarious. Although something tells me it's going to be another four years until I see something funny on SNL again.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Patiently Awaiting Mr. Belding's Sex Tape

Sunday is TV theme song day here at Pop Zeus!


Saved By The Bell theme song

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Well in "honor" of Dustin Diamond's recently released sex tape (Watch if you dare), this week's TV theme song is "Saved By The Bell". I will go on record by saying that even though I've probably seen every episode of this show, I absolutely detest it. It was on every day after school when I got home and I would watch it and question myself for watching such an idiotic show. But i still watched it every day. It has some sort of hypnotic tractor beam on my mind. I've sat through them all, from Casey Kasem doing "the sprain" to buddy bracelets to Jesse's addiction to caffeine pills ("I'm so excited! I'm so...S C A R E D !!!). I even watched all of the "college years" series. And yet I don't know why. And I STILL watch it. In fact, I'm watching it right now.

And now I get to watch Screech get it on with the two biggest hoes in the universe. Sometimes I curse the internets. Funny Screech story: One of my friend's older brothers went to college with Screech. Apparently they were playing a game of pickup basketball in the park one day and Screech came up and tried to get into the game. He was barraged with insults and "Get the fuck out of here Screech, you douche bag!". I felt bad for Screech. Until I saw this tape. Now I agree. He is a HUGE douche bag.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

More Orange

doorway to norway

Oranger "Eggtooth"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Avid followers of Pop Zeus! will probably notice that I talk about Oranger alot. That's because I really like them. But I recently discovered (because I don't pay attention to shit all the time) that Oranger actually had two records that I never even heard of, from 1998 and 2000 respectively, and those record are chock full of more pure pop power.

This band is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I've seen them live a number of times now, and they seem to always be having a blast while they're playing. I encourage you to seek them out if you can and buy their records. Although one of their songs was recently used in a Nissan commercial. You know the one where that jackass hipster guy is living in his car for a week. But don't hold that against them. They probably saw more money than they ever had in their lives for that. Besides, I dare you to not tap your foot along to "Eggtooth". I DARE you!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Row-ADS. That's A Freaky Word.


Seachange "News From Nowhere"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Matador recording artists Seachange play "dense guitar driven rock n roll", according to their cryptic website. "News From Nowhere", from the 3 song EP of the same name, sounds like every band member had a different idea of what they wanted the song to sound like so they all compromised and came up with one very interesting pop song.

Seachange is from Nottingham and are in no way affiliated with famous Scientologist Beck's record called "Sea Change" where he was apparently sad about something. Perhaps he discovered he didn't exorcise as many thetans as Tom Cruise did, and therefore was not invited to sail the high seas on the Scientologist Supership 79, which is probably a good thing because I heard it was recently boatjacked by Turkish pirates.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I Guess MY Swahili Isn't As Good As Yours...


Wyclef Jean "Sang Fezi"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

For years I never bothered to look up the translation of Wyclef Jean's "Sang Fezi" a haitian language track from his 1997 masterpiece 'The Carnival'. The song didn't really need a translation as it's mystique and beauty stood on its own. Before I put this up I decided to google a translation though. Maybe it was just a poor transfer, but some of the lines I got came out pretty ridiculous. Like:

Last goal if for Pele
Don't dis my mom, my mom is creole
My gun guides me
My direction sucks

What? I'm sorry I ever even looked it up. My advice to you would be to just enjoy "Sang Fezi" in its native language and not seek out any translations.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

You Were Almost A Jill Sandwich!

sine star project

Sine Star Project "Strange Girl"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Sine Star Project, not to be confused with the Alan Parsons Project, is a collection of songs inspired by the suicide of a friend of band leader Peter J. Croissant. The Southampton four piece definitely creates a haunted mood with "Strange Girl".

It keeps popping up on my shuffle and I keep thinking its some obscure Radiohead b-side but then I look and go, "oh yeah, thats that Sine Star Project. I should probably put that up on Pop Zeus! I wonder what's on the tv tonight. Probably nothing good. I'll just play Madden. I wish I didn't have to work tommorrow. I wish I never had to work again. I wish I would win the lottery. I'm hungry. I'm gonna go to Subway. Nah, fuck that. Hey is this Radiohead? Oh yeah, that's that Sine Star Project. I should put that up on Pop Zeus!"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Clean Return

The Clean - Anthology

The Clean "Billy Two"

The Clean "Beatnik"

The Clean "At The Bottom"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

I apologize for my recent absence. I had the week off work and I spent it, well, hibernating.

The only thing I knew about the Clean until recently was that Guided By Voices once covered one of their songs, "Drawing To A Whole". I don't know what made me delve into their repertoire but I recently picked up the Clean Anthology and I've been obsessing over it ever since. They've seriously become one of my favorite bands in a matter of weeks. They've got just enough VU and just enough punk in them to appeal to me.

I also recently bought a new turntable, so expect some vinyl reviews soon. I'm currently barreling my way through the entire Rick James catalog. Why the hell isn't this stuff on CD? That guy was a genius. But that's an entirely different post.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good Music For Death Valley


Brant Bjork "The Low Desert Punk"

Brant Bjork, former member of Kyuss and Fu Manchu, certainly knows how to rock. Case in point: Kyuss' 'Blues For The Red Sun'. Anyone involved in the production of that record is forever on the rockinest list.

On "The Low Desert Punk", Bjork revels in the wonders of the one riff jam. Apparently he found a chord he liked and based the whole song on it. Hey, it may not be "math rock", but it rocks. It rocks so hard, in fact, that it may cause you to do THIS:

tony leni

Look out for that. Fans of the one chord jam may also enjoy the band Om, who almost put me in a trance like state at last years SXSW.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mmmmmm.... Steamed Hams!


Meat Puppets "Aurora Borealis"

Aurora Borealis? Taking place at this time of year, in this part of the country, and exclusively in your kitchen?


May I see it?


Monday, December 04, 2006

Hiding In My Blue State

eagle po eagle pissed off

"America, Fuck Yeah!"

If you love America, then you will love this song. If you don't love America, then we've got a place for you to go: it's called California. you can spend the rest of your time with freedom hating celebrities like Harry Belafonte, Gwyneth Paltrow and Shirley Hemphill.

This song comes from the film "Team America: World Police" a merrionette driven action vehicle from the creators of South Park. While I found the movie mildly entertainingwhen I saw it two years ago, I recently heard this song in its entirety and immediately decided to share it with all of you. Why? Because in these times of strife, it's good to know that America still has Las Vegas, Christmas, and books. And that's what makes us #1. #1 on the Awesome Free Country list, that is.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Voltron Just Got Totally Served

Sunday is TV Theme song day here at Pop Zeus!


Voltron Theme Song

Today I haven chosen the theme from Voltron, and I can't really tell you why. It's not so much a theme song as it is just some dude talking about Voltron. Boring except for the end with the robotic voices which was always my favorite part. But I have to say I really liked this show as a kid.

But not as much as SPECTERMAN!!!!!

Specterman fucking ruled. But i didn't even think about it until just now while I was talking about Voltron. I used to get really excited every time Specterman came on the tv, because I knew I was in for a half hour of a guy in a crazy metal suit kicking the shit out of crazy looking monsters. And listen to that theme song! That guy is wailing on just an acoustic guitar! No synthesizers in sight! Specterman would kick the holy living piss out of Voltron, just in case you were wondering.

The Highly Superior SPECTERMAN theme song!

Oh and by the way if you enjoy the Voltron comic at the top of the page, then be sure to check out the Perry Bible Fellowship, a collection of comic strips by one of the funniest, most creative guys I 've ever heard of, Nicholas Gurewitch.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

More Cowbell

Oingo Boingo "Don't Fear The Reaper"

Recently, I was down a long dark road, with only my thoughts to accompany me. Suddenly this song came through my car's speakers. Which is odd, because I didn't even turn it on! I was forced to really pay attention to the lyrics for the very first time. On top of backing up my theory that this is a truly kick ass song, the lyrics struck me as very heavy for the first time. I then realized that I was in the movie "The Stoned Age" and I rolled down my window and slowed down to spit a hocker on Tack the Cack.


And then I realized it was OINGO BOINGO's version of the song! Turns out I was actually in the film "Back To School" and I was on my way to a house party where the Boingo was playing just as soon as I finished my term paper on Longfellow due in sexy teacher Sally Kellerman's English class. Then me and Robert Downey Jr. got in a brawl with William Zabka, the jock douche bag from EVERY 80s MOVIE EVER MADE!

back to school

But then I awoke, and he appeared. He said "don't be afraid". And I ran to him, looked backwards and said goodbye. I had taken his hand. William Zabka's hand, that is.

zabka_just one of the guys

What can I say, I love assholes.

Friday, December 01, 2006

If You Don't Have My Money By Monday, I'ma Bring On The ARMAGEDDON!!!


Ol Dirty Bastard "I Can't Wait"

Rest In Peace, Russell Jones, you deserve it. After giving us songs like this you deserve to be served up the hundred nubile virgins and the full nine. Who else would sample the T.J. Hooker theme song and give a shout out to submarines all while changing his name to "Big Baby Jesus"? No one but the ODB, my friends.