
Saturday, December 16, 2006

More Orange

doorway to norway

Oranger "Eggtooth"

[right click to download, ctrl or option click if yr a mac!]

Avid followers of Pop Zeus! will probably notice that I talk about Oranger alot. That's because I really like them. But I recently discovered (because I don't pay attention to shit all the time) that Oranger actually had two records that I never even heard of, from 1998 and 2000 respectively, and those record are chock full of more pure pop power.

This band is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I've seen them live a number of times now, and they seem to always be having a blast while they're playing. I encourage you to seek them out if you can and buy their records. Although one of their songs was recently used in a Nissan commercial. You know the one where that jackass hipster guy is living in his car for a week. But don't hold that against them. They probably saw more money than they ever had in their lives for that. Besides, I dare you to not tap your foot along to "Eggtooth". I DARE you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bro - i am not able to d/l any of the new songs using either firefox or safari (mac) i'll try w a windows machine and see how i do. just letting you know, bro.


8:36 PM PST  

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