Magnum Be I
Sunday is TV theme song day here at POP ZEUS!

Magnum P.I. theme song
If my memory serves me right, Magnum P.I. was an Vietnam veteran who was a private detective in Hawaii. He also like the Detroit Tigers and he had some black dude who flew him around in a helicopter. I never really watched this show all that often but its amazing what you can pick up from just watching the opening credits. Also, I recently saw Tom Selleck on Conan O'Brien's show and eerily, he seems to not have aged at all. He still looks exactly the same. Somewhere there's a painting of Tom Selleck that's growing old and decrepit while he continues to live his life with reckless abandon. Oh, that Magnum!

Magnum P.I. theme song
If my memory serves me right, Magnum P.I. was an Vietnam veteran who was a private detective in Hawaii. He also like the Detroit Tigers and he had some black dude who flew him around in a helicopter. I never really watched this show all that often but its amazing what you can pick up from just watching the opening credits. Also, I recently saw Tom Selleck on Conan O'Brien's show and eerily, he seems to not have aged at all. He still looks exactly the same. Somewhere there's a painting of Tom Selleck that's growing old and decrepit while he continues to live his life with reckless abandon. Oh, that Magnum!
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